Register .biz Domain Name
.biz is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) on the internet. It was introduced as one of the original gTLDs in 2001 and is intended for use by businesses and commercial entities.
.biz domain was introduced to provide an alternative to the widely used .com domain. It was created during the growth explosion of the internet in the early 2000s to specifically cater to businesses.
Are you ready to build a website, but need help in choosing a .biz domain name?
While .com, .net, .org, and .co domain extensions are well-known and available to anyone worldwide, there are other options that may better serve your specific needs. One such alternative is the .biz domain extension, which is designed with businesses in mind.
How To Register .biz Domain?
Are you looking to establish your business online but unsure where to start? Securing a domain name is the first step in creating a professional web presence.
One option you may consider is registering a domain name .biz. This domain extension caters specifically to businesses, making it an ideal choice for companies of all sizes.
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NiceNIC.NET is an ICANN, gTLDs, ccTLD, new gTLDs Accredited Domain Registrar, Hosting & Server Provider, founded in 2006.
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Next News: Why Choose a .NET Domain? Buy .net website domain with Bitcoin.