What is an SSL certificate and what is it used for?

Views:63 Time:2025-01-20 23:01:07 Author: NiceNIC.NET

What is an SSL certificate and what is it used for?

What is an SSL certificate and what is it used for?

1. Introduction

SSL certificates are used to create an encrypted channel between the client and the server. Transmission of such data as credit card details, account login information, any other sensitive information should be encrypted to prevent eavesdropping.

With an SSL certificate, data is encrypted prior to being transmitted via Internet. Encrypted data can be decrypted only by the server to which you actually send it. This ensures that the information you submit to websites will not be stolen.

Starting from 06/08/2014, Google announced that having an SSL certificate installed on your website would increase your ranking position, which is another great reasn to use an SSL.

The certificate itself represents base64 encoded data that contains information about the entity the certificate was issued for, public key required for encryption and digital signature verification, and digital signature created with the private key of the certificate issuer.


An SSL certificate should be installed on the server side. When you access a website secured by an SSL certificate issued by a trusted Certification Authority, you will see https:// at the beginning of its URL. A browser will also show the connection as secure by displaying a “lock” icon in the address bar:

Buy SSL certificates now.

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