13 end user domain name sales

Views:266 Time:2024-06-14 22:07:53 Author: NiceNIC.NET

 A chef, a real estate company, and an energy business bought domain names.

13 end user domain name sales

"end user domain sales" in white text next to a money bag on a purple background
A real estate bought three domains from Sedo this week, after completing a transaction last week as well. It will be interesting to see what they build on the domains; for now, one forwards to another website.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

Desirel .com $17,000 – Desirel is an e-commerce store selling adult products.

Aleq.com $15,000 – This domain forwards to the website for Apokto, an AI tool for working with data. Perhaps they are rebranding or launching a new product.

Capti.com $13,500 – This is an upgrade for Capti, which helps students improve their reading. It forwards to captivoice.com.

ImmoDiskret.com €10,000, Immo-diskret.com €8,925, and immo-diskret.de €8,925 – The real estate business Main Immobilien Compass acquired these domains, which mean “discreet property.”

ChefNora.com $5,999 – Chef Nora is a chef in New York City who offers private dining, catering, and culinary classes.

HexOS.com £5,000 – This domain resolves to a coming soon page with a logo for HexOS. It’s being created by network-attached storage company TrueNAS.

GIP.es €3,400- GIP is a sustainable energy company. It forwards this domain to gipsl.co.

Einfachgrillen.de €2,750 – Translating to “simply grill” in German, this domain will be used for a barbecue site.

HomeTrip.de €2,499 – Based on the coming soon page, I’d guess this will be a vacation rental business.

Lensel.com €2,100 – Lensel is a newsletter for photographers.

LifeOnArt.com $2,000 – This domain forwards to the .org website for Life On Art, which says it unites people to create art as a platform for global healing.

Source from Domain Name Wire


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