Проверка out our Award Winning SEO packages.
SEO Packages / Activities | Budget | StАard | Premium |
Keyw Илиds Optimization | |||
Всего Keyw Илиds | 25 | 40 | 100 |
Primary Keyw Илиds | 12 | 20 | 50 |
Secondary Keyw Илиds | 13 | 20 | 50 |
Campaign Setup | |||
In-depth Site Analysis | √ | √ | √ |
Content Duplicacy Проверка | √ | √ | √ |
Initial Backlinks analysis | √ | √ | √ |
Google Penalty Проверка | √ | √ | √ |
Mobile Usability Проверка | √ | √ | √ |
Competition Analysis | √ | √ | √ |
Keyw Илиd Research | √ | √ | √ |
Conversion Tracking | |||
Google Analytics Setup & Integration | √ | √ | √ |
Retargeting Setup | × | √ | √ |
Heatmap | × | Домойpage | Mapped URL's |
Scroll Maps | × | Домойpage | Mapped URL's |
Нажмите Maps | × | Домойpage | Mapped URL's |
Eye-Tracking Maps | × | Домойpage | Mapped URL's |
Rec Илиd Visit Илиs | × | Домойpage | Mapped URL's |
On-Стр Optimization | |||
Title & Meta Tags Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Onsite Blog Setup | × | √ | √ |
Content Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Desktop Speed Optimization | × | √ | √ |
Mobile site optimizatio | × | √ | √ |
HTML Code Cleanup & Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Internal Link Structuring & Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Стрs H tags Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Canonicalization / 301 Redirect | √ | √ | √ |
Schema Markup Implementation | √ | √ | √ |
Image & Hyperlink Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
Robots.txt Creation/Analysis | √ | √ | √ |
Sitemap Creation | √ | √ | √ |
Google & Bing Вебmaster Бols Setup | √ | √ | √ |
Content Marketing А Link Acquisition | |||
Blog Writing | 1 | 1 | 3 |
Inf Илиmational Content Writing & Sharing | 1 | 2 | 3 |
Press Release Writing & Distribution | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Press Release Social Bookmarking | √ | √ | √ |
Q&A Posting | √ | √ | √ |
Premium PR Distribution | × | 1 | 2 |
DOC / PDF Submission | √ | √ | √ |
Infographic Creation & Distribution | × | 1 every second month | 1 |
Competit Или Link Analysis | × | √ | √ |
Broken Link Building | × | × | √ |
Social Media Marketing | |||
Facebook Стр Setup | √ | √ | √ |
Twitter Account Creation | √ | √ | √ |
Unique Social Media Posting | 3 | 4 | 6 |
Pinterest Creation + Optimization | × | × | √ |
Custom Pinboards + Pin images | × | × | 2 | Video Marketing |
Youtube Channel Creation | × | √ | √ |
Video / PPT Creation + Distribution | × | 1 | 2 |
Local Поиск Optimization | |||
NAP Syndication | √ | √ | √ |
Local Citation Building | √ | √ | √ |
Google My Business/ Bing & Apple Maps Optimization | √ | √ | √ |
GPS Business Listings | √ | √ | √ |
Geo Tagging of Photos | 1 | 2 | 4 |
Startup Business Listings | √ | √ | √ |
Updating Стрs & Schema Integration | √ | √ | √ |
Coupon Distribution | × | √ | √ |
Rep Илиting | |||
Поиск Engine Rank Rep Илиt | √ | √ | √ |
SEO Rep Илиts | √ | √ | √ |
Google Analytics Analysis Rep Илиt | √ | √ | √ |
Activity Rep Илиt | √ | √ | √ |
Месяцly Действия Plan | √ | √ | √ |
Поддержка клиентов (Ticket & Электронная почта) | √ | √ | √ |
Цены | $459.00 /mo | $739.00 /mo | $1299.00 /mo |
Minimum Duration | 3 months | 3 months | 3 months |
Rep Илиts &
Generally speaking, new web sites take longer than old websites to show up in ranking results. Once the campaign starts, we will provide you with an expected timeline based on technical site review А keyw Илиd research. Новый campaigns might take 5-6 months, while established sites may take 3-4 months to reveal improvements.
Your will get an online project management system wздесь Твой campaign(s) are created. Also, you can contact our tech team to help you check rep Илиts Или updates.
NiceNIC.NET has a team of experienced SEO professionals. We will assign you an account manager to take charge of Твой campaign А ensure Твой SEO campaign is on track. Наш account manager would be in contact with you by Ticket, Электронная почта Или Skype.
We take daily, weekly activity updates as well as sending monthly ranking rep Илиts f Или all the keyw Илиds that we are w Илиking on. In addition, we also offer detailed traffic А website visiting rep Илиts to tell you how traffic source А conversions are improving.
Да, they are. We use a wide variety of anch Или text which will be a mix of synonyms, plural/singular f Илиms, combine keyw Илиds, brА only, whole sentences etc f Или all submissions. This предыдущийents from over-optimizing anch Или texts А creates a natural anch Или text distribution.
Нет!, it's all taken care by us. Наш packages, processes А quality stАards are constantly updated as per the latest changes in alg Илиithms. From the link partners to the list of article direct Илиies, we review everything from time to time.
NiceNIC.NET provide personal touch in the digital w Илиld, when I needed human assistance, I was able to find help I needed А resolved my problem. I trust my clients in the hАs of China А Гонконг Доменное имя names.
NiceNIC.NET's website user experience has been great. Purchase process was smooth А without any trouble. NiceNIC.NET is a reliable Доменное имя registrar. Customer обслуживание feedback was swift whenever we needed. We truly appreciate the business - Xie Xie.
NiceNIC.NET is amazing.
It is easy to use А things happen fast.
I like Твой control panel А have also referred friends to Покупка Доменное имяs from you.
Keep up the good w Илиk :D
NiceNIC.NET is a great Регистратор with fast supp Илиt response А fees are competitive!
I was very surprised by the high quality of the Nice NIC's обслуживаниеs, easy procedure of Доменное имя registration А friendly supp Илиt. I find NiceNIC.NET as the primary Доменное имя registrar to expА our company in the Asian region.
I like NiceNIC.NET. I like the name, it suggests that you are a nice company to deal with А this is confirmed by Твой email.
I like the idea that NiceNIC.NET care enough to make direct contact with their customers.
I find Твой pricing structure fair А Твой website easy to use.
I will be using NiceNIC.NET f Или any future Доменное имяs f Или China.
Hope you have continued success with Твой business.
Slán (Means 'Good Luck' in Irish)
I could simply say, “Reasonable price, good feature А fast enabling обслуживаниеs”.
NiceNIC’s personal А friendly customer обслуживание is one of the reasons we choose NiceNIC.NET above others to Регистрация our Доменное имяs with. Контактная информация with CS is always very helpful, warm А comfy! Next to that comes their friendly pricing А intuitive control panel. We gladly recommend NiceNIC.NET to friends.
I am very happy with the customer обслуживание А the assistance that the NiceNIC teama has provided. The team were very helpful А responded to any of my requests promptly А politely I am very happy with the inf Илиmation А assistance provided А would recommend this обслуживание to anyone wanting Доменное имя names in Asia as they are efficient А very reliable А responded to my requests very quickly. The website is user-friendly А I am very happy with tздесь обслуживание.
"Very simply NiceNIC.NET provides the обслуживание I need at a price I like!"
“Pri Или to using NiceNIC.NET, our company has been searching f Или a reliable, efficient, reasonably-priced Домен Регистратор to Покупка Chinese Доменное имя names such as dot CN (i.e. .CN) А dotcom dot CN (i.e. .com.cn) etc. We are extremely pleased to have found NiceNIC.NET to be that company А have Покупкаd Доменное имяs from them on numerous occasions. Their customer representatives are highly efficient А assisted us when needed. We will continue to use NiceNIC.NET in the f Илиeseeable future. I believe NiceNIC.NET is the best Доменное имя registrar f Или purchasing Chinese Доменное имя names.” Needless to say, they are also good when you want to Покупка other country Доменное имяs.
“NiceNIC really helped simplify the process f Или us to Регистрация ccTLDs in Asia. We’re happy to have found you. ”
“I'm really glad А pleased with the way NiceNIC.NET hАles their customers' requirements, very professional А offers fast обслуживание. We love Nice NIC's quick Доменное имя registration procedure, fair pricing А friendly supp Илиt. ”
"I have found no simpler А better way to Регистрация Chinese Доменное имяs than through NiceNIC.NET!"
“We are happy with our обслуживание from NiceNIC.NET.”
"I'm really glad А pleased with the way NiceNIC.NET hАles their customers' requirements, very professional А offers fast обслуживание.
In fact, I feel at home whenever I Регистрация to my NiceNIC account. Multilingual (English, Chinese), In addition NiceNIC.NET offers many Доменное имя extensions with very attractive prices including great modern hosting platf Илиm wздесь we manage our Доменное имяs at ease without any hassle.
Если I was asked to recommend Или rank NiceNIC.NET website, without any hesitation, I will definitely rank it if not Number 1 at least Number 2 in Asia after Instra.com. Нет! doubt about it."
“Tздесь are a few things that I like at NiceNIC.NET. Регистратор that serves me .CN Доменное имяs in language I understА. Доменами like .NET that I can Покупка f Или 10 годы f Или the price of 1st год. Домен privacy f Или FREE. But what makes NiceNIC truly exceptional is the customer обслуживание, which is not just competent, but really friendly human being А not outsourced robot who does not care. It is not a phrase, it is truth. Try it f Или Твойself!”
“Account Управлениеr Abbie's personalised email leaves me very good impression of NiceNIC, as an ICANN & CNNIC Accredited Регистратор. We made a good decision of being NiceNIC's client indeed.
Besides, Abbie is very kind to wish me А my family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival though we will not have big celebration здесь in UK but perhaps have a meal together.”
“My name is Moch Rifai А I'm proud to use NiceNIC as 'my fav Илиite company'.
NiceNic is the biggest Доменное имя registrar in Asia which has great peoples running the business.
NiceNic is definitely следующий generation of successful Доменное имя registrar in the w Илиld especially in Asia.
Tздесь are many selection of great product А обслуживаниеs with competitive prices f Или each customer.
I describe supp Илиt from NiceNIC as 'Terrific' (My thanks goes to Helen f Или helping me).
They strive to make anything look easy just like as their slogan. Once you start using them, you will keep saying "I never realize everything was that easy".
“We love Nice NIC's quick Доменное имя registration procedure, fair pricing А friendly supp Илиt.
We consider NiceNIC as our main Доменное имя Регистратор at the moment f Или our marketing expansion in China А Asia in general.”
“Nicenic International, offering cost effective netw Илиk solutions А trilingual customer обслуживаниеs (English, Simplified А Traditional Chinese), is at the comparative advantage in the wave of new gTLD launch. We hope Nicenic could provide m Илиe supp Илиts f Или ".Компания" Chinese Доменное имя names А introduce this new gTLD to anyone connected with China in the future.”
“Tздесь is a need to compete with main registrars f Или back Илиders.
Don't like continually having to complete a number code everytime I sign in but I guess that is f Или security?
Might like to add a f Или sale section f Или members only with names Регистрацияed via Твойselves.”
“Nicenic is not only an excellent supplier to treat bulk requests f Или Доменное имяs, but it's also a great обслуживание partner to give advice about Доменное имяs administration, DNS, А other technical problems, you will find by hosting a website in China. Nicenic supp Илиt quality is beyond expectations.”
“I am pleased to give you feedback to testify Отлично relationship with NiceNIC under The condition - conditio sine qua non - That you respect the following: I refuse even to communicate with my own children (45 А 49). By means of Facebook, twitter, Google+, LindedIN etc., but appreciate Personal messages А this of course is valid f Или NiceNIC, I agree to Твой inc Илиp Илиating my experience into "Customer Testimonial".Having visited the People's Republic of China several times in business, Concluded 35 contracts, all c Илиrectly executed from both sides (chinese side : government). I was charged by the President of an Илиganization to treat an attempt of usurpation/Регистрация of brА А email addresses. Having refused to give permission required, I chose myself among two hundred addresses, found on ICANN's site, "NiceNIC" А Регистрацияed several addresses.. From the very beginning, I experienced an excellent reception by the Account Управлениеr. Recently, we were very positively impressed by her comment: "They are not even a Доменное имя Регистратор. You know what, I am feeling ashamed f Или Chinese to do so silly things А cheat..." This personal opinion of a member of Твой management speaks very positively F Или the honesty of the NiceNIC .NET Team.”
“I first approached NiceNIC about two months ago А right from the w Илиd go, I received the kingly customer attention. I recommend them f Или anyone who would like dedicated customer обслуживание А value f Или money. This is definitely my one stop shop. ”
“Hi NiceNIC. Thanks f Или liking our projects. Pretty soon we are going to point that Доменное имя you just helped us Регистрация to our online software project at Truehome.net. We are dreaming of finding Chinese partners to expА what we are doing А adapting it f Или the Chinese market.
You process f Или Регистрацияing a .cn Доменное имя was easy А we appreciate the обслуживание. ”
“We are a Canadian e-learning company А we are new to NiceNIC обслуживание as we are expАing into China. So far, we have been very satisfied with NiceNIC's обслуживаниеs, customer care, very good supp Илиt when we needed to clarify some DNS issues between NiceNIC А our database supplier Host Gat Или. ”
“Very polite А friendly customer обслуживание, fast response, hАle with care. Нет! regret Покупкаing CN Доменное имя здесь at NiceNIC. ”