.ET Domain | Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Ethiopia

Views:400 Time:2023-11-28 00:37:39 Author: NiceNIC.NET

.ET Domain | Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Ethiopia | NiceNIC.NET

What is a .et domain?

Ethiopia is a large country in the horn of Africa. With a population of more than 85 million people, Ethiopia is the most populous country in the African continent. The economy of Ethiopia is primarily agriculture based, with its largest agricultural exports being coffee beans and sesame seeds as well as livestock exports. .ET is a top level domain name for Ethiopia.


How do I buy .et domain?

To purchase your .et domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to 10 year(s).


How do I transfer .et domain?

Transferring your .et domain name is a fast and easy process. To get started, you'll need an Authorization Code from the registrar that currently has the domain registered. Once you have that, get started by clicking "Transfer Now" below or visit our Transfers Page, enter your domain name to transfer in, provide the Authorization Code, and our system will process the transfer.


Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .et?


Other information I need to know about .et?


Are there any additional fees for .et?


Do I need a trademark/brand name to register .et?


Private Registration service available?


Trustee / Proxy service offered? Fees?



Domain Name | Register Domain | Transfer Domain | Bitcoin USDT ETH

.ET | .COM $13.99, .INFO $9.99, .HK $16.99


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