End user domain sales: cool lights, antimicrobials and more

Views:288 Time:2024-04-10 18:28:38 Author: NiceNIC.NET

End user domain sales: cool lights, antimicrobials and more

title insurance company, a rummy game app, and a cool lighting maker bought domain names.

Sedo had a nice rebound in domain sales after a slowdown last week. Many of the top domains don’t have obvious buyers at the time of publication, including the top sale lightbet.com, which went for $74,999.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

AgentWorkplace.com £15,000 – Title Resource Group, a title insurance company, bought this domain. It might be used for a site to help real estate agents use its services.

BizScout.com $15,000 – BizScout will be a marketplace to buy and sell businesses.

ProfilTech.com $9,900 – ProfilTech makes milled semi-finished products for the electronics, power electronics and e-mobility industries. It forwards this domain to the matching .de.

14.ai $8,900 – This is a defensive acquisition for the site i4 .com (notice the i, not a 1). However, I’m a bit confused by the site. It talks about artificial intelligence but has product listings for bottle openers.

Topikos.com $7,700 – Topikos Scientific is a pharmaceutical company working on antimicrobial drugs.

CorrectSolutions.com €6,000 – Correct Solutions Group provides telecom services for prisons.

SearchAd.com $6,000 – This domain forwards to the site for Vondos, an online advertising company.

RummyOne.com $4,885 and rummy1.com $4,885 – These domains forward to the Google Play page for a Rummy game app.

Twinkly.cn $4,500 – Ledworks s.r.l., maker of the Twinkly brand of lighting products, bought this domain. We use Twinkly’s internet-connected lights on a tree in our front yard.

OilFacts .com $3,000 – The buyer has set up a site that argues that “oil, coal, and natural gas are climate heroes, NOT climate villains” and pushes oil-related stocks.

Binkert.ch €2,999 – Binkert AG makes CNC machine tools, other tools, and accessories. It forwards this domain to the matching .com.

Bee-Group.com $2,500 – Bee Incorporations provides green building services. It forwards this domain to bee-inc.com.

UV.energy $2,000 – This domain forwards to UVE.solar, a site for solar power company United Virtual Energy.

Source from Domain Name Wire


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