.GM Domain Names | Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Gambia

Views:348 Time:2024-02-21 02:35:47 Author: NiceNIC.NET

.GM Domain Names | Country Code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) for Gambia

Why buy .gm domain?


The Gambia gets the majority of its finances from tourism. Because of its attraction for tourism, .GM extensions will further your brand.


Frequently asked questions about .gm.

How do I buy .gm domain name?

To purchase your domain name, you must first search for the availability of the unique phrase (without spaces or with hyphens). If the domain name is available, you may then add it to the cart to register for up to year(s).


Are there requirements, documents, or information needed for .gm?

Companies: provide a valid business registration and/or trademark matching the domain name. Having both documents increases the possibilities of getting approved by the registry.


Individuals: Only individuals residing in, providing information or services for or about The Gambia, or otherwise benefiting the local Internet community of The Gambia are allowed to register. The client will need to provide documents proving their direct connection to The Gambia. A signed letter of intent outlining in detail what is the intended use for the domain is recommended..


Other information I need to know about .gm?

".gm" extensions expire at the end of every year (December 31st), and need to be renewed at that time regardless of when you registered the domain. This is the registry's policy.

Domain Name - Register Domain - Transfer Domain - Bitcoin - USDT

.GM | .COM $13.99, .INFO $9.99, .HK $16.99


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