Now is the time to join ICA

Views:3146 Time:2018-05-18 14:53:54 Author: NiceNIC.NET

There's a lot worth fighting for in 2018.


This year is going to be an important one for the domain name industry and domain investors.


Domain investors face serious headwinds from the EU's General Data Protection Regulation. Changes to Whois will drastically change how we securely transfer domain names, find domains to buy, and communicate with domain buyers.


And later this year we'll find out if the U.S. NTIA renews its cooperative agreement with Verisign, which could have a big impact on .com domain name prices.


This is a lot to keep up on, and I doubt many domain investors reading this have taken any action with regards to these, such as participating in a working group on the Whois user accreditation model.


One group that is participating in these groups and advocating for your needs is the Internet Commerce Association (ICA).


I've personally never been more confident in ICA's leadership, and it would be wise to consider joining as a member. You can join online, and individuals can join for just $50 a month. That's less than the cost of many domainer service subscriptions, and it will have a great impact on the future sustainability of your business.

Source from Domain Name Wire
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