ICANN has approved the creation of a Whois Disclosure System, almost six years after Europe's GDPR rules tore up the rule book on Whois access.
The system is likely to face a name change before going live, due to the fact that it does not guarantee, nor process, the disclosure of private Whois data.
The board of directors passed a resolution February 27, a month later than expected, "to develop and launch the WHOIS Disclosure System (System) as requested by the GNSO Council within 11 months from the date of this resolution."
That's two months longer than earlier anticipated, but we're still looking potentially at a live system that people can sign up for and use a year from now.
The system is expected to be based on the Centralized Zone Data Service that many of us have been using to request and download gTLD zone files for the last decade. While not perfect, CZDS gets the job done and has improved over the years.
The technology will be adapted to create what essentially amounts to a ticketing system, allowing the likes of IP lawyers to request unredacted Whois records. The requests would then be forwarded to the relevant registrar.
It's an incredibly trimmed-down version of what Whois users had been asking for. Participation is voluntary on both sides of the transaction, and registrars are under no new obligations to approve requests.
If nobody uses the system, it could be turned off. ICANN Org has only been directed to run it for "for up to two years". ICANN will collect and publish usage data to figure out whether it's worth the quite substantial number of hours and dollars that have already gone into its development.
The actual cost of development and operation had been pegged at $3.3 million, but the board's resolution states that most of the cost will be existing staff and excess costs will come from the Supplemental Fund for Implementation of Community Recommendations (SFICR).
Source from Domainincite.com
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