XYZ acquires .CEO top level domain name

Views:569 Time:2023-10-11 13:17:08 Author: NiceNIC.NET

XYZ acquires .CEO top level domain name | NiceNIC.NET

XYZ acquired a domain name for the C-suite. Can it expand its popularity?


Top level domain name company XYZ LLC has acquired the .ceo top level domain name.


.Ceo was one of the strangest top level domains applied for in the last round of domain expansion. The idea was to get CEOs to register and use the domains, but it was never clear why a CEO would want to do this. And the registry made several boneheaded marketing decisions.


Now the domain is in the hands of XYZ, which knows a thing or two about marketing domains. I still only see this as a niche extension with very limited use, but XYZ should at least be able to expand availability.


There are just over 3,000 .ceo domains in the zone file.


Source from Domain Name Wire


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