A mobile phone company, a GPS app, and an electric power firm bought domain names.
Sedo had some nice sales this week related to popular trends. ARbet .com sold for $49,995. I'm assuming that stands for “augmented reality”, but right now the domain forwards to a malicious zero click site. AIjobs.com sold for EUR 29,000. The current site appears to have been active for some months, but it's obvious what the buyer will do with it.
Another nice sale was aim.io for £45,101. And I think the buyer of yix.com for $25,000 got a good deal.
But I don't know who the buyers of the above domains are, so they aren't on the list below.
Here's a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.
Coupons.at EURO 20,000 and Coupons.co.uk £18,500-I believe the operator of coupons.de bought both of these domains.
DailyAI.com $16,000-Digital media company Intent bought this domain for a site about artificial intelligence.
Satoris.com $6,000-Satoris provides personal identification services, including biometric solutions, printing of highly secure documents, identification systems and IT infrastructure. It forwards this domain to its website at SatorisInternational.com.
Mobi.it EURO 6,000, mobi.be EURO 3,750, and mobi.hr $2,999-Mobi is a mobile phone company currently operating only in Hawaii. It uses the domain mobi.com.
EQX.co EURO 5,600-Game developer Equinox Games forwards this domain to equinoxgames.xyz.
EqualChoice.com.au $5,299-The domain is registered to Merisant Australia Pty Ltd and points to a site promoting Equal brand sweeteners.
PlusGear.com $4,995-A business called Plus Gear has support contact information on this website.
Reg.at EURO 4,567-It seems this will be a domain registration business.
BluBoks.com EURO 3,850-blu:boks is a childhood education organization. It forwards this domain to bluboks.de.
FinX.ai EURO 3,500-Fin X is an enterprise front end developer for financial firms.
jsdev.com EURO 3,500-This domain currently forwards to a page on HubSpot, but I have no idea if the company bought the domain.
Kingsine.com $3,200-Kingsine is an electric power testing and measurement firm.
Niod.cn $3,000-Cosmetics firm Estee Lauder bought this domain for its Niod brand.
TheOrdinary.cn $3,000-Estee Lauder previously bought the .com.cn version of this domain.
Rail.kr $3,000-Railcc provides information about train travel. It forwards this domain to rail.cc.
PowerOfQuality.com $2,305-American College of Surgeons bought this domain. It uses the term The Power of Quality for its accreditation programs.
Varamedia.com $2,200-Varamedia is a lead generation company. It forwards this domain to varamedia.be.
GPSwhere.com EURO 2,000-GPSwhere offers an app for GPS tracking. It forwards this domain to gpswhere.eu.
Source from Domain Name Wire
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