10 more end user domain name sales

Views:558 Time:2023-10-19 02:51:52 Author: NiceNIC.NET

10 more end user domain name sales | NiceNIC.NET

A shoe seller, an online medical service and a hotel site bought domain names.


Sedo's top sale this week was Nuum.com for $150,000. There are many potential buyers: the owner of nuum.co, the Italian fashion brand that uses the matching .it, and the energy drink company called nuun (which dominates search when you search for 'nuum') are possibilities. We'll have to wait to find out.


Here are the end user sales I found on Sedo's weekly sales list. You can view previous lists like these here.


PartnerPay.com $30,000-PartnerPay's website is under development. It seems that it will be a card processing company that shares some of its profits with merchants.


MemInsurance.com $19,888-Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance bought this domain. It uses the domain mem-ins.com.


GoodTape.com $16,500-Good Tape is a new magazine launching this fall for the audio industry that will cover podcasts.


Mozaiq.com euro6,000-Mozaiq is a B2B marketing firm.


Vergebung.com $5,000-Vergebung is German for forgiveness. The buyer promises a new site will launch on December 1.


SneakerMall.com $4,399-Sneaker Mall sellswhat else, sneakers!


Prio-One.com euro3,288-Prio One is an online gynecological medical service. It forwards this domain to prio-one.de.


DIComServer.com euro2,800-Medical equipment company Best Care offers DI Com Server, which helps doctors access, interpret and deliver their medical studies.


Airo.co $2,490-This domain resolves to a coming soon page that says the site is being developed by KNN Labs.


100hotels.com $2,400-100Hotels is curating a list of one hundred of the best luxury hotels.


Source from Domain Name Wire


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