Global Blockchain Gaming Market to Reach $300 Billion by 2030

Views:415 Time:2023-06-01 13:15:28 Author: NiceNIC.NET

Global Blockchain Gaming Market to Reach $300 Billion by 2030 - NiceNIC.NET

Entertainment Market to Shift to Blockchain-Based Games


The blockchain gaming market will grow significantly during the next seven years according to some predictions. A report issued by Grand View Research, a California-based markets research firm, predicts that the global blockchain gaming market will reach a market cap of $301.53 billion by 2030.


According to the report, this growth will be incentivized by the shift from traditional gaming to alternatives that allow ownership of assets, transparency, and gaming monetization. These traits of blockchain gaming could also cause the sector to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 68.3% from 2023 to 2030.


The rise of gaming metaverses will also supposedly include a more comprehensive set of actions to entice players to switch to these alternatives. The Covid-19 epidemic is further said to have caused rising demand for this kind of experience, facilitating the introduction of metaverse functions into the blockchain gaming sector.


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