Local Languages Are Popular on ccTLDs

Views:2661 Time:2019-07-31 15:40:29 Author: NiceNIC.NET

New report quantifies the use of local languages on country code domain names.


CENTR's report shows that local languages are popular on ccTLDs.


Over half of websites have English as their primary language, but there's a big difference between languages on each top level domain.


CENTR, an organization representing European country code top level domain (ccTLD) operators, worked with Oxford Information Labs to analyze language use in ccTLDs.


All told, it analyzed ten ccTLDs representing 16.4 million domains from territories in which English is not the primary language.


The principal languages spoken in the country or territory comprised at least 64% of the content in the zone, and the average rate per TLD was 76% (see chart above).


The numbers are even higher for domains that allow internationalized domain names.


You can download the report, which analyzes .cat, .ch, .dk, .nl, .nu, .pt, .ru/.рф, .se, .sk, on CENTR's website.

You can register ccTLDs at NiceNIC.NET!

Source from Domain Name Wire, author ANDREW ALLEMANN

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