Afternic reveals top keywords in aftermarket domain sales in July, including the same top three as last month.
Afternic has revealed the top 20 keywords in domain names sold in July through its platform, with filler words removed.
Some terms on the list this month that didn't make it in in June include it, services, online, real, care, and club. Here's the complete list, including where the domain landed in June if it was on the list.
my (#1 in June)
ai (2)
group (3)
tech (6)
bet (5)
health (9)
capital (14)
home (4)
your (13)
solutions (20)
shop (10)
global (16)
life (7)
pro (8)
The stickiness of some of these words should be helpful to domain name investors.
Source from Domain Name Wire
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