Why need SSL Certificates?

Views:491 Time:2023-12-08 23:27:51 Author: NiceNIC.NET

Why need SSL Certificates? | NiceNIC.NET

1. Show visitors you're trustworthy and authentic.

Any data on your site, including credit card numbers and login credentials, can be encrypted with the use of an SSL certificate. A padlock next to your domain verifies that the Trust Seal that NiceNIC.NET provides your website indicates that the data on it is secure.

The end-to-end encryption protocol industry standard.

Helps your website search ranking with https.

An SSL certificate eliminates the "Not Secure" browser warning.


2. Safely accept credit cards on your website

If you want to sell to a much larger audience,you need to give customers the payment options they prefer - AND you need an SSL to keep customers clicking through to checkout.


3. Increase customer confidence

Most people look for the https:// prefix in their browser bar before submitting personal information like their name, credit card number and address to a website. An SSL is the only way to get this.


4. Protect sensitive information

SSL Certificates protect your customers’ sensitive information by encrypting the data they send to you, then decrypting it once you’ve received it.


Now you can buy Global Top SSL Brands in 1 place

Comodo, GlobalSign, Digicert, GeoTrust, Thawte, Sectigo, Entrust ... ...


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