There are many use cases for handshake domains. They work just like any domain name and can be used for any website or online service. For businesses, in particular, Handshake domains can provide a competitive edge by giving them greater privacy and control over their domain namespace.
Some other documented use cases for Handshake are:
Sell subdomains: Make a profit from selling subdomains that are extensions of one’s TLD.
Log in with Handshake: Use Handshake to log in securely and privately without needing a password.
Redirects: Use it as a URL shortener.
dLinks: Use Handshake to create a decentralized hub for one’s content online.
Hmail: Create an email address on one’s Handshake name.
dWord: Can be used to build websites deployed on one’s Handshake name.
Nomad: Handshake names can be used as a username on a social networking site.
Creating a website: Use Sia Skynet, GitHub Pages, Heroku, Vercel or WordPress to create a website on Handshake.
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Next News: What are Handshake domains, and how do HNS work?