Didi Taihuttu sold everything for bitcoin, crazy?

Views:1379 Time:2021-08-13 15:28:35 Author: NiceNIC.NET

Didi Taihuttu Discusses Hiding His Cold Storage Wallets After Selling Everything for Bitcoin 3 Years Ago - www.nicenic.net

Over three years ago, a Netherlands native made headlines when he told the world he and his minimalist family sold everything for bitcoin. At that time, Didi Taihuttu and his family sold their home, valuables, and vehicles in order to accumulate the digital asset. Taihuttu recently discussed how things have been after three years, explaining that 74% of his crypto holdings are currently held in cold storage.

Didi Taihuttu Discusses Hiding His Cold Storage Wallets After Selling Everything for Bitcoin 3 Years Ago - www.nicenic.net

Photograph of Didi Taihuttu back in 2017 and the home he sold for bitcoin. In the CNBC interview, Taihuttu said he purchased bitcoin (BTC) for $900 per unit.

Taihuttu Family Keeps Six Cold Storage Stashes Hidden Across Several Nations

Didi Taihuttu and his family are doing quite well in 2021 living like digital nomads and hidden hardware wallets all over the world, according to a recent interview with CNBC. Bitcoin.com News reported on the Taihuttu family on October 10, 2017, as Didi Taihuttu told the press he and his wife sold everything for bitcoin (BTC). In his latest interview, Taihuttu told CNBC that the family safeguards a total of six hardware wallets hidden across several nations.

“I have hidden the hardware wallets across several countries so that I never have to fly very far if I need to access my cold wallet, in order to jump out of the market,” Taihuttu remarked during the interview. The bitcoin family man explained two positions are in Europe, two are located in Asia, a single wallet is kept in South America, and the last hardware wallet is stored in Australia. However, 26% of Taihuttu’s crypto stash is in hot wallets while the remaining 74% is stored using cold storage solutions. Taihuttu stressed: I prefer to live in a decentralized world where I have the responsibility to protect my capital.

Source from Bitcoin.com

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